Re: 39" Stargate Pompeii
There is plenty guiness sweat in there Russell - so it is well represented. I will have a look for something sealant like that. Somone used tung oil (can't rememmber right now who that was)
Co Clare where the Cliffs of Moher and Lahinch are, is where I come from - who knows there could be shared genes. I hadn't thought that the Irish made a big impact in Missisipi until Gulf put me right. Utah though - surely not a big Irish vote out there for Romney.
There is plenty guiness sweat in there Russell - so it is well represented. I will have a look for something sealant like that. Somone used tung oil (can't rememmber right now who that was)
Co Clare where the Cliffs of Moher and Lahinch are, is where I come from - who knows there could be shared genes. I hadn't thought that the Irish made a big impact in Missisipi until Gulf put me right. Utah though - surely not a big Irish vote out there for Romney.
