I went down the path of not completely filling in my mortar gaps during my first 3-4 courses on the dome. I figured I would save some HeatStop 50 and would fill it in with homebrew mortar after the dome was finished. As I got higher up I started fully filling in the mortar gaps as I figured that was the part of the dome with the most stress on the joints and mortar. Now that I have all my insulation and materials to start my igloo I'm tempted to not even bother filling them in and just insulate over what I have and start on the stucco for the igloo.
What do you think - should I fill in the mortar gaps before I enclose it? Am I being too anxious to move to the next step? I've also considered filling in the gaps with some perlite/cement just to get it smooth for the insulation to cover it.
Appreciate your thoughts and feedback!
Here are some examples of the current gaps.

What do you think - should I fill in the mortar gaps before I enclose it? Am I being too anxious to move to the next step? I've also considered filling in the gaps with some perlite/cement just to get it smooth for the insulation to cover it.
Appreciate your thoughts and feedback!
Here are some examples of the current gaps.