I live southeast of the Denver area in Colorado. I have 500 standard sized fire bricks and maybe 20+ larger sized fire bricks (various sizes 14"x14"x2, 9"x9"x3"). I built a 42" pompeii last year and it has been wonderful, but I am not going to build another one short of an act of God catastrophe! I had pallets and pallets of these things for years from a the demolition of a foundry. Have sold them for every purpose under the sun before I built my oven. The bricks were dry stacked on inner walls of the foundry with no mortar. Have had them stored outside. I thought I would put them up here to see if there was any interest in this area for enough bricks to build a mongo oven! I really live out in the sticks, so selling smaller quantities has little appeal from a logistics standpoint. I was getting $2.00 for small quantities and less ($1.50) for larger quantities. Can send pictures.