Im a cigarette smoker. I have been for a great many years. I have vowed to burn the last of my cigarettes in the first curing fire of our oven, and leave smoking behind me. Has anyone here quit smoking before?
Re: tobacco
Sure, I've quit lots of times.....
I was a couple of pack a day guy and quit about 10 years ago...still have the occational cigar though. I was reminded of my smoking with a smokers cough recently after a few days cooking with the wood oven on windy days!
I found the best way was to go cold turkey as it's too easy to pick up the habit again. Take up gum chewing for a while....
Sincere good luck quitting though's probably one of the best things you could do to improve your health....
XJsigpicTiempo para guzarlos........enjoy every sandwich!
Re: tobacco
I'm not a smoker, but I talk with a lot of smokers about quitting - if it's your first time I agree cold turkey with the symbolic gesture of turning your oven into the smoker instead is a good idea. If you've ever quit (or tried to) before it helps to look at what challenged you and try to develop a plan for that. Hanging out with your smoking buddies - may need some time out from them. Always smoke after a meal - plan ahead with Jim's gum idea. Cravings - try one of the over the counter nicotine replacements like the lozenges for a while. Want to hurt somebody - time to talk to your doctor?
Re: tobacco
Good on ya Nick,
Carrie lost her mother, a lifelong smoker, at 60 -- only a few months after our first daughter was born.
Re: tobacco
Hi - I managed to quit smoking ten months ago and counting after smoking an average of 15 cigs a day for almost 20 years ....... I somehow just stopped and have not had another since! I did take a couple of pieces of nicorette gum, but I did not really like the feeling it left me so I quit that too pretty fast! I've still got most of the packet somewhere.
The only thing I can say is that stopping was MUCH easier than I ever thought it would - or could - be. I still get the cravings but not too bad .... just keep hoping!
Re: tobacco
I don?t know if you can ever actually stop because the attraction is still there. I was off of tobacco for three years and picked it back up like I never stopped ? it?s a scary drug! My mother in law is going through hell right now and it look?s like we may lose her because of the crap. I had tried the gum, patches, and Zyban and none of it seemed to work. My best advice is not to buy it ? if you don?t have it, you can?t smoke it. That?s what?s working for me now.
Good luck!!!
Les?Check out my pictures here:
If at first you don't succeed... Skydiving isn't for you.
Re: tobacco
My wife says if it didn't kill you she'd start smoking again today! The craving does not go away.......She quit about 20 years ago!
I offered our kids a dollar for every butt they found of their mothers....pissed her off so much she quit cold turkey.
....whatever it takessigpicTiempo para guzarlos........enjoy every sandwich!
Re: tobacco
Smokers Anonymous,
Yep, I've quit too, time after time, and it never goes away. I've tried everything, from cold turkey to patches, and thus far only cold turkey has had any effect. Next on the list is Zyban, but maybe that won't work either.
Mark Twain once said that stopping smoking was the easiest thing in the world to do, "I've done it three times a day for years."
He once quit, then took on a book contract. After three months, he hadn't written a word. Went back to cigars and finished the thing in three weeks. Go figure.
I've had a lifelong battle with "darlin nicotine," and so far she's winning, but no more, I hope.
Jim"Made are tools, and born are hands"--William Blake, 1757-1827
Re: tobacco
I was a three/four pack smoker for about 12 years, prior to that a pack and a half for another 6 years. Tried quitting cold turkey twice with no success. Then in 1987 while living in San Francisco had acupuncture, needles in both ears, and quit instantly. Have not had a cigarette since.