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Group Edit - Wiki style

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  • Group Edit - Wiki style

    James et al:

    next time there is a need for a group edit i.e. the Pompeii construction there is a way to do it via a Wiki style format. When we tried to do this without this style of editing capability we were basically left to
    1.shotgun the draft out to everyone and then the editor takes the input from 4 to 7 different authors and attempt to make a single document
    2. round robin or bubble sort the draft to each author in a a single file, if someone drops the ball then you have hit a bottle neck and the project stalls.

    I had asked if anyone knew of a place that had a Wiki type service that was available and I came up empty handed.

    I found the answer today. There is a site that just turned 2 today that fits this need. It is FREE and can be set up so that although the whole world can see it only certain memebers are allowed to edit.

    You set up a group to do a single task and Wiki it.

    Welcome to Wikispaces - Wikis for Everyone

  • #2
    Re: Group Edit - Wiki style


    This sounds like a good solution. It will save time and avoid the hassle of multiple documents out in cyber land. Let's give it a shot next round.

    "Made are tools, and born are hands"--William Blake, 1757-1827


    • #3
      Re: Group Edit - Wiki style

      This sounds good. James needs to set it up, as well as create links to it on the forum.

      The sticky postings are good, but I think a wiki type forum would be a good resource.

      The fact that only members can post should keep spam to a minimum.

      The "take a tour" feature doesn't work on Safari on the Mac platform. I'll try to look at it on a windows machine later.
      My geodesic oven project: part 1, part 2


      • #4
        Re: Group Edit - Wiki style


        The wikispace that I came across was set up to detail a particular item. In my case the wife's car. One day I will need to replace the valve cover seal on the wifes Pass-at. The oil leakeage that occurs generally includes a cam tensioner gasket. At there is a section for How to's. Usually one person will do a detailed repair and document it, then others will chim in who have done the same and make corrections. Once the Forum leader decides that enough info has been stuffed in he then locks out users from adding more to the thread. If there is time by the administrator he/she will sometimes clean up the thread and repost a final version (delet the originals. A different tack is to do the editing using the Wiki and then post the final version, passat ? home

        Will have to look into this further to see how it works.


        • #5
          Re: Group Edit - Wiki style

          Nice. I have set up fornobravo at wikispaces, and need a little time to work out how to make it work best for us. I will let you know what I come up with, and when there is something to look at. They have a document limit of 20MB for a single document, so I would have to size our photos before posting the source document for the various e-books (I've been compressing them with Acrobat until now, leaving the source file very large).

          We could also add wikispace "topics" on various how-tos, with inbound links from the forum.

          More to come.
          Pizza Ovens
          Outdoor Fireplaces

