Hi all,
I FINALLY got the welcome page of my site up today. If those of you reading this could visit and tell me what you think I would really appreciate it. There is not much to it so don't think its not all loading..hey, it was all I could do without killing myself just to get that up..I think its a little bit off center but after the fiasco I had uploading
it its staying that way for now. Anyway thanks for any comments and suggestions. Don't hold back....
Its at Welcome
I FINALLY got the welcome page of my site up today. If those of you reading this could visit and tell me what you think I would really appreciate it. There is not much to it so don't think its not all loading..hey, it was all I could do without killing myself just to get that up..I think its a little bit off center but after the fiasco I had uploading

Its at Welcome