Hello all, and thankyou for the birthday wishes.. I have been cooking in the oven a little, and will post properly when i get a second.. I was thinking it might be benificial for idiots like myself to have a sticky post with tips for linking stuff in posts, hot linking, photo reduction, all that jazz.. What is hot linking anyway? It sounds like something i would find in one of those other websites, but remember someone talking about it here.. Cheers..
Re: Computer geekitry
Hot linking is grabbing the URL of a photo on another server and using it somewhere else. Here's a pic hot-linked from my own website:
and here's a Forno Bravo hosted image:
The difference is that the hot-linked image uses someone else's bandwidth which could crash a small site, and you don't have control of the image. If I was mad at you for stealing my bandwidth I could switch out that picture with something rude with the same name. A republican politician got in trouble with hot-linking from a site of someone who didn't like his politics.
Re: Computer geekitry
Not a bad idea...
I'd like something like that myself...
Sorry, couldn't resist. It's actually a great idea - all the stuff I know how to do now I learned from a theology website with just that kind of forum (actually, a couple different forums on the site - who knew computer geeks were into theology?).
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot[/CENTER]
"Success isn't permanent and failure isn't fatal." -Mike Ditka