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A winter's day in South Oz

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  • A winter's day in South Oz

    A winter Sunday arvo in country South OZ. Brews,BBQ, and a kick-arse blues band. The newly re-opened pub in this old railway town has a pearler of a wood heater, too.
    Click image for larger version

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  • #2
    Sorry mick
    Dont have a heater.
    Don't have a jumper or jacket but do have a long sleeve shirt.
    Regards dave
    Measure twice
    Cut once
    Fit in position with largest hammer

    My Build
    My Door


    • #3
      Ha Ha. I was talking to one of the guys who actually lives in the town, and he said he thought it might even snow this week. In outback South Oz. I wasn't all that surprised when he said it. I've only seen snow once in my life, and that was in the hills about 10 miles west of this town.

