Re: angled flight deck
plain ole sack crete
But note that the aggregate size and color may vary from batch to batch. The manufactures likely get their aggregate for various sources. Therefore if you find a bag with the type of stone you like, try to buy several bags from the same batch.
As for the rebar, you don't need a lot since the top is not likely to span any distance or support a lot of weight. It is primarily there for crack control and you could probably use WWF (welded wire fabric) instead.
Since mine spans a couple of feet and is cantilevered, I used rebar.
I used 3/8 inch rebar at mid depth to maximize the concrete cover in the thin 1 1/2 inch thick countertop. (It is getting harder to find but if you can get any 1/4 inch rebar this would be even better.) Mine are placed on 8 inch centers running the length of the counter = 3 bars, or about 1% of the end area. I hook or bend the ends. There is not enough depth to effectively fit in any overlaps. I then tied some WWF to the rebar and hooked or bent all the ends of the WWF.
plain ole sack crete
But note that the aggregate size and color may vary from batch to batch. The manufactures likely get their aggregate for various sources. Therefore if you find a bag with the type of stone you like, try to buy several bags from the same batch.
As for the rebar, you don't need a lot since the top is not likely to span any distance or support a lot of weight. It is primarily there for crack control and you could probably use WWF (welded wire fabric) instead.
Since mine spans a couple of feet and is cantilevered, I used rebar.
I used 3/8 inch rebar at mid depth to maximize the concrete cover in the thin 1 1/2 inch thick countertop. (It is getting harder to find but if you can get any 1/4 inch rebar this would be even better.) Mine are placed on 8 inch centers running the length of the counter = 3 bars, or about 1% of the end area. I hook or bend the ends. There is not enough depth to effectively fit in any overlaps. I then tied some WWF to the rebar and hooked or bent all the ends of the WWF.