PISE, as in Pneumatically Impacted Stabilized Earth.
It's a play on the old pise de tierra, which is a more traditional rammed-earth method of building walls:
Pneumatically Impacted Stabilized Earth - from ecomii
Oversimplified, it's blasting something like shotcrete against a one-sided form and calling it a wall.
My curiosity in this all has started from my wife complaining about all the noise of cars passing by in front of our new house. We moved from inside our city to an area that is trying to still be rural, but with the highway and being on the corner of a road off of it, it feels like we have even less privacy now. The noise--particularly of motorcycles and construction vehicles--has been getting on my wife's nevers. We have pondered different ways of making walls, all the way up to just sacrificing 18 feet deep of the frontage and just berm up some dirt. Then we saw earthbag construction, and I got distracted by rammed earth. Then I found out about PISE.
All the stuff about all this is about building houses with it, which is a little too ambitious for me.
However, we still have to build a pizza oven for this place, and I was pondering trying one of these methods in the back to create a wall for the outdoor kitchen. I could use that one wall in tandem with some posts to make a patio for it. This PISE method seems the most appropriately lazy, but it's the hardest on which to find out any information.
I figured I'd post about it here so people could ponder it at a minimum or maybe contribute. I'm not set on doing anything drastic right away, but I think my wife may be looking for a solution sooner instead of later. I figured if I could get enough details about one method or another, we could first try it as a garden retaining wall, then maybe as a wall for an outdoor kitchen, and then maybe consider going for a highway barrier.
It's a play on the old pise de tierra, which is a more traditional rammed-earth method of building walls:
Pneumatically Impacted Stabilized Earth - from ecomii
Oversimplified, it's blasting something like shotcrete against a one-sided form and calling it a wall.
My curiosity in this all has started from my wife complaining about all the noise of cars passing by in front of our new house. We moved from inside our city to an area that is trying to still be rural, but with the highway and being on the corner of a road off of it, it feels like we have even less privacy now. The noise--particularly of motorcycles and construction vehicles--has been getting on my wife's nevers. We have pondered different ways of making walls, all the way up to just sacrificing 18 feet deep of the frontage and just berm up some dirt. Then we saw earthbag construction, and I got distracted by rammed earth. Then I found out about PISE.
All the stuff about all this is about building houses with it, which is a little too ambitious for me.

I figured I'd post about it here so people could ponder it at a minimum or maybe contribute. I'm not set on doing anything drastic right away, but I think my wife may be looking for a solution sooner instead of later. I figured if I could get enough details about one method or another, we could first try it as a garden retaining wall, then maybe as a wall for an outdoor kitchen, and then maybe consider going for a highway barrier.