I built a rotisserie that can handle a whole hog up to about 125 pounds with no problem. It was quite a simple design actually. Two 2x4 stands that holds a spit 30" off the ground. A 72" x 3/4" black iron pipe and a couple of cased bearings that fit over the pipe. I used a windshield wiper motor on low speed and a flywheel off a ford engine and starter drive gear to slow it down. I get 2 1/4 turns a minute and it works great. With a few concrete blocks to shield direct heat from the fire to the wood stands and some sheet metal to block the wind I will be in business once again. I will also be using two truck wheels as fire pits. Since I am roasting a hog and the bulk of meat is front and rear the two wheels will work great. I will be setting it up in a couple of weeks and will take some pics of it and share.
Now I was asked about a rotisserie in a WFO. Walmart sells an inexpensive kit for about $25 that I think would work great with a few modifications. You would need a metal stand about 7" or 8" tall with a V or ring at top to insert spit to support inside oven. You would have to remove the plastic handle found on most spits because it just simply would not survive inside you WFO. You would also need a second metal stand to set outside door so rotisserie motor can be mounted to it.
I tried doing a web search for the one I purchased from walmart but all they show is the one for $80.
Now I was asked about a rotisserie in a WFO. Walmart sells an inexpensive kit for about $25 that I think would work great with a few modifications. You would need a metal stand about 7" or 8" tall with a V or ring at top to insert spit to support inside oven. You would have to remove the plastic handle found on most spits because it just simply would not survive inside you WFO. You would also need a second metal stand to set outside door so rotisserie motor can be mounted to it.
I tried doing a web search for the one I purchased from walmart but all they show is the one for $80.