I'm having trouble obtaining fire bricks in my area at a resonable cost. Has anyone had success with kiln fired clay pavers or bricks for the cooking floor?
Re: fire bricks
Hi sigmatim and welcome
there are many builders here in SA who have built their ovens with other than firebricks, some on the forum and numerous others mentioned by Neill and Tim.
Where abouts in this wonderful land are you located? as there are many ufacturers of ideal bricks and paving that will suit your build.
Littlehampton bricks in the Adelaide hills for example, sell a lot of 4" solid pavers for ovens and I recall reading in Russell Jeavons book on wood fired oven building that he used 2 layers of 2" fired clay pavers for his hearths. Chech with your local brick makers as to the temperatures that they fire their pavers and you should find that they will exceed 1000 -1200˚centigrade which is way above double your expected oven temperatures.
RastysIf you don't succeed the first time, try again and again until you get it right!