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Whoo-hoo almost done!

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  • Whoo-hoo almost done!

    Thanks to you guys, I have finally finished (with the exception of painting, etc.) with my fireplace/oven combo project. I am so grateful for all who gave me advice, encouragement, posted pics, etc. Yesterday, I even added a little flower bed around the back--watch out!!

    I will try to post a thread including step-by-step pics later, but I am so proud I had to show you these.


  • #2
    Re: Whoo-hoo almost done!

    Very nice layout and a beautiful setting!


    My 34" WFO build

    Weber 22-OTG / Ugly Drum Smoker / 34" WFO


    • #3
      Re: Whoo-hoo almost done!

      Nice job, I can't wait to post my "I am done" photos
      Member WFO-AMB=WW


      • #4
        Re: Whoo-hoo almost done!

        Thanks so much!! It took 9 months do get here, but I am so glad that I am!!!


        • #5
          Re: Whoo-hoo almost done!

          That looks great. Point me in the direction of your rumford construction page.

          My slow journey to pizza.


          • #6
            Re: Whoo-hoo almost done!


            Life is too short to drink cheap beer


            • #7
              Re: Whoo-hoo almost done!

              Thanks a million, Brauma and all!

              Woodchuckdad--I built a modified Rumford style fireplace from scratch. It is much more shallow and tall than most and radiates more heat, allegedly (haven't actually fired it up yet). You can order the throat and smoke chamber from Buckley Rumford which would make it much easier, but didn't fit my budget. I don't know how well it will work outside since it is a larger opening for wind, but I am planning on using tin or whatever while burning to block the wind. Also, one thing I would plan on doing if you haven't started it building it on the pad that you have laid (instead of laying block to build it up as I have). After laying the 2 block base, I learned that it is better to be closer to the ground to decrease the amount of wind entering the fireplace. Since I began not thinking about the oven, the fireplace was designed to be a cooking fireplace that includes a rotisserie (it has a decorative scroll on it now).

              I wasn't great at posting pics as I was going along, so I started a new thread yesterday and will try to post more today at Will be happy to help however I can b/c it was more difficult without the step-by-step instructions that we get here.

