Re: Video and YouTube
How come the 'returning' visitors' curve is flat throughout?
Item. Re the you-tubing: in my not so humble opinion (I'm a former journo), it would be more useful to see nicely time-graduated step-by-step STILL photos of relevant technical stuff. The video can cause info overload, apart from the fact that the quality is usually rather poor... I admit it tickles the vanity bone, but.
Add to this that it is time-consuming and resource inefficient, and the chips come down on the photo sequence side any day.
How come the 'returning' visitors' curve is flat throughout?
Item. Re the you-tubing: in my not so humble opinion (I'm a former journo), it would be more useful to see nicely time-graduated step-by-step STILL photos of relevant technical stuff. The video can cause info overload, apart from the fact that the quality is usually rather poor... I admit it tickles the vanity bone, but.
Add to this that it is time-consuming and resource inefficient, and the chips come down on the photo sequence side any day.