My oven has been up and running for a couple of months now and i would just like to post a couple of pics of the end result and thank everyone who unknowingly contributed to its design and ideas, pitfuls etc from me scouring these forums as i progressed thanks again.....apart from the flue opening not really being big enough as i did wing it a little on my build the only prob so far is a little smoke out the front on fire up. I can honestly say its the best thing i have made its fired up about twice a week at the moment, takes about hour or so to reach saturated temp and if i shut the door over night can slow cook the next day..i love it.....
So if anyone out there is thinking of building one and not sure if you can, go for it, i have never buyilt anything like this before, i even managed to make my own tools.....
So if anyone out there is thinking of building one and not sure if you can, go for it, i have never buyilt anything like this before, i even managed to make my own tools.....