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The Badger Build

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  • #31
    Re: The Badger Build


    Thanks - I dropped out of Chem 101 after the 2nd quarter and went to get my "BS" in Business. I don't think I got to that part (actually I remember hearing about it in HS chem but I'm sure I would have forgotten...)

    THANKS Again,



    • #32
      Re: The Badger Build

      If you're within a week of your mortar being wet, a wire brush and a hose are going to get a lot of that residue off. I know I shouldn't say this, but once you start firing it, you're not going to see the little bit of mortar here and there. Save your muriatic acid burns for the exterior stone work where it will show.

      In any case, a good scrub the morning after each work day will save you a lot of unpleasant work later.
      My geodesic oven project: part 1, part 2


      • #33
        Re: The Badger Build

        Originally posted by dmun View Post
        .... I know I shouldn't say this, but once you start firing it, you're not going to see the little bit of mortar here and there. Save your muriatic acid burns for the exterior stone work where it will show.

        In any case, a good scrub the morning after each work day will save you a lot of unpleasant work later.
        I'll second that. It's easy to focus on the inside of the dome when you building it, but once it is closed in and cooking, you will not spend a lot of time looking at the details.

        Pizza Ovens
        Outdoor Fireplaces


        • #34
          Re: The Badger Build

          Originally posted by thebadger View Post

          Thanks - I dropped out of Chem 101 after the 2nd quarter and went to get my "BS" in Business. I don't think I got to that part (actually I remember hearing about it in HS chem but I'm sure I would have forgotten...)

          THANKS Again,

          No problem, I glad I finally had something constructive to add to the forum. Since my build is stalled ( until the septic work is done) I don't have much to say. ( I let George do all my talking )

          Sharpei Diem.....Seize the wrinkle dog


          • #35
            Re: The Badger Build

            Thanks for that Bruce! I'm still trying to understand your post on infrared thermometers. Talk is cheap!
            Everyone makes mistakes. The trick is to make mistakes when nobody is looking.



            • #36
              Re: The Badger Build

              Originally posted by gjbingham View Post
              Talk is cheap!
              With the price of flour rising, and the 5 pack of caputo at stake...Talk may be getting more expensive

              Sharpei Diem.....Seize the wrinkle dog


              • #37
                The Badger Build (oven arch/4th row)


                Oven Arch
                Not perfect by any means but I think it will work. I used a form and some shims. Once everything was set in place I just filled everything in with mortar. It actually seemed to work out pretty well.

                4th Course.
                Not sure if my mortar was too wet but I had to start bracing my bricks! I was able to tie in the 4th row using an angle grinder on the arch to cut away what I didn?t need. I think this will work for the next course or two. As you can see I filled in some ?voids? with firebrick and some pieces of firebrick and mortar. Again, not pretty by comparison to others I?ve seen but it?s all mine?

                I'm shooting for an 18" internal height. I'm using the shims I set out but I am worried my angle is too steep??? I can go lower than 18 but don't want to go to low - my front arch height is 11 inches. Let me know if anyting looks weird. I measured the height of the bottom of the 4th row down and it came to 12 1/4 inches.



                • #38
                  Re: The Badger Build


                  Looks great to me! How long did you wait before pulling the forms under the arch?

                  Mike - Saginaw, MI

                  Picasa Web Album
                  My oven build thread


                  • #39
                    Re: The Badger Build


                    I took it out the next day. I was confident it wouldn't collapse but I did't want to take the chance of moving a brick while it was setting up...

                    Last edited by thebadger; 04-27-2008, 07:03 PM.


                    • #40
                      Re: The Badger Build

                      Looks great to me too. I'd take the opportunity now to fill in those voids in the mortar joints on the inside of the oven before it gets more difficult as the dome closes down and in. That's one of the things that I wish I had done!
                      Everyone makes mistakes. The trick is to make mistakes when nobody is looking.



                      • #41
                        Re: The Badger Build


                        Very nice work. That's going to look great!
                        Ken H. - Kentucky
                        42" Pompeii

                        Pompeii Oven Construction Video Updated!

                        Oven Thread ... Enclosure Thread
                        Cost Spreadsheet ... Picasa Web Album


                        • #42
                          Re: The Badger Build

                          Dick, your oven looks fantastic. Can you post some photos from the inside? I'm almost at the same point as you, and am trying to figure out how to tie in the arch with the dome.
                          "Pizza, the world's most perfect food."


                          • #43
                            Re: The Badger Build


                            I didn't post a picture early since 1) one of my bricks shifted and 2) it's not as pretty as others I've seen.

                            Not sure how I'll finish but my plan is to use my angle grinder and cut away the brick I don't need in the arch. It worked really well for the first side bricks I set. The critical part seems how far in/out to put your arch in relation to the dome. I'm just hoping I got mine in the "sweet spot". I did clean up the extra mortar a little bit.

                            I'll try to post more once I get back to work later this weeek.



                            • #44
                              Re: The Badger Build

                              Thanks Badger. Your work looks good to me. Nice and clean. My oven is a mess. Mortar all over the place, and I got a D or F in chemistry, so am terrified of using hydrocloric acid to clean the mess. Don't worry about it not being as pretty as some, it will always be prettier than mine, and bottom line is that I am sure that appearance has nothing to do with cooking performance.
                              "Pizza, the world's most perfect food."


                              • #45
                                Re: The Badger Build

                                Looks fantastic to me. I am a proponent of the "figure-it out-as-you-go method." Worked great for me....always has. When my cource bricks came around to meet my arch, I just made it happen, then on to the next cource.
                                Thanks for the progress reports.
                                I'm lovin' the time capsule thing. Thinking of incorporating one of my own.


