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Does life get better?

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  • Does life get better?

    A warm, moonlit spring evening, sensational pizzas, a South Australian Merlot, and some forum folk to share it with. Life is good.

  • #2
    Re: Does life get better?

    Very nice, indeed. It's a tough life, but someone has to live it!
    my work in progress:


    • #3
      Re: Does life get better?

      Sounds like a perfect evening to me!
      Picasa web album
      Oven-building thread


      • #4
        Re: Does life get better?

        It sure is!
        only to get better as we come out of winter into the warmer months and summer.
        The ovens are wonderful , even throughout winter but I find myself selfishly hugging the radiant heat emitted through the dfront and must (and do) share with my guests.
        They build their pizzas and must cook them - all in the experience of the event.

        If you don't succeed the first time, try again and again until you get it right!


        • #5
          Re: Does life get better?

          Originally posted by Rodneyf View Post
          .... a South Australian Merlot....
          Only thing better than this that I can think of is a bottle of Hunter Valley Shriaz instead of the Merlot

          Deficio est nusquam tamen vicis ut satus iterum
          (Failure is nothing but the opportunity to start again)


          • #6
            Re: Does life get better?

            We went kayaking this weekend and invited the group back for dinner and a movie. They way they were talking about it on the river, you'd think they only went kayaking to get free pizza!

            A few hours after pulling the boats from the river, tired and freshly showered friends showed up and for the next few hours life could not be better. All due to great friends and this folly of a pizza oven. And a little bit of wine.

            I love hearing them tell each other about their contributions to my private paradise.

            My oven progress -


            • #7
              Re: Does life get better?

              or maybe a nice merlot from Margret River WA .........


              • #8
                Re: Does life get better?

                Almost perfect.... except for the mozzies and the red dust storms.

                How's the clean-up going?


                • #9
                  Re: Does life get better?

                  All the dust got airborne in the centre of Australia and blew a couple of thousand miles over the east top half of the coast, covering a few thousand kilometres of coastline. The car washers, window cleaners and pressure washers are doing a great trade at present removing some of the reputed 8 million tons of dust which is claimed will get as far east as New Zealand.
                  The crazy thing is that we are due for another similar storm this coming next few days.
                  We live south of it all, we just get the cold winds from the Antartic, so they can have it.
                  Time to light the fire!

                  Prevention is better than cure, - do it right the first time!

                  The more I learn, the more I realise how little I know

                  Neill’s Pompeiii #1
                  Neill’s kitchen underway


                  • #10
                    Re: Does life get better?

                    Time to buy some plastic sheeting and duct tape, bro. Good luck.


                    • #11
                      Re: Does life get better?


                      As I was cleaning up after a long day of pizza oven building the full moon was rising over my building site.

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	20 Pizza Oven & Full Moon.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	111.1 KB
ID:	278035

                      Maybe by the next full moon I will might be ready for a similar pic to yours...or maybe the full moon after that...or the next one???


                      Deficio est nusquam tamen vicis ut satus iterum
                      (Failure is nothing but the opportunity to start again)


                      • #12
                        Re: Does life get better?

                        It will all come together for you soon I am sure, all you have to do is keep adding bottles to the fence. I threw in a pic of the lamb shanks that made up the Saturday roast just to keep you going.


                        • #13
                          Re: Does life get better?

                          That's just teasing!

                          Never mind, I will go and have another beer to keep the brick dust from sticking to the back of my throat.

                          Deficio est nusquam tamen vicis ut satus iterum
                          (Failure is nothing but the opportunity to start again)


                          • #14
                            Re: Does life get better?

                            Makes me think of

                            Moonrise over Half Dome

                            (a famous photo by Ansel Adams)

                            but with beer (good).

                            Hang in there! There is life after masonry!

