Hi all, i'm new here and i'm here looking for information regards building a bread oven. I worked briefly on Lionel Poilane's oven about 20 years ago, and now that i'm only baking for friends and family i'd like to build an oven in my backyard. Having used wood ovens for the last 24 years, the Gueullard style oven fit my requirements.
Has anyone built such an oven? I will need to scale it down to fit a space of 5m x 4m.
I'm unsure of the pitch on the hearth, and i'm not sure of the flying set up,
I do now have the materials and will be in Paris this christmas to catch up with a few of the Bakers at the Cherch de Midi store.
I just thought i'd ask, to see if anyone has thought about these ovens or even if they could suggest improvements to this very old design.
Has anyone built such an oven? I will need to scale it down to fit a space of 5m x 4m.
I'm unsure of the pitch on the hearth, and i'm not sure of the flying set up,
I do now have the materials and will be in Paris this christmas to catch up with a few of the Bakers at the Cherch de Midi store.
I just thought i'd ask, to see if anyone has thought about these ovens or even if they could suggest improvements to this very old design.