I thought I would update everyone on where we stand with Spam, moderation, etc.
Over the past weekend, we successfully installed a new version of the forum software, along with a couple of nice new anti-spam features. It works like this; we are now using a sophisticated image identification feature that keeps computer spambots from registering fake members. So far, it is working nicely. I have been moderating new member sign up this week, and the spambot registrations are gone for now.
I went back an manually deleted the obvious spam registrations, but there are still a few, so we had decided to moderate the first posting for all new members. It's easy to do, and there won't be a long delay for first postings to appear. This way spam postings won't appear in the forum, and there is a one-button click to delete spam posting member (or bot).
Finally, there is new software that scans member's first few postings for obvious spam patterns, and puts those in a moderated queue.
Over time, we may ask members to moderate postings, which will speed up how fast a new member's first posting appears. But for now, we're looking good!
Thanks for recommendations that we go ahead and do this.
Over the past weekend, we successfully installed a new version of the forum software, along with a couple of nice new anti-spam features. It works like this; we are now using a sophisticated image identification feature that keeps computer spambots from registering fake members. So far, it is working nicely. I have been moderating new member sign up this week, and the spambot registrations are gone for now.
I went back an manually deleted the obvious spam registrations, but there are still a few, so we had decided to moderate the first posting for all new members. It's easy to do, and there won't be a long delay for first postings to appear. This way spam postings won't appear in the forum, and there is a one-button click to delete spam posting member (or bot).
Finally, there is new software that scans member's first few postings for obvious spam patterns, and puts those in a moderated queue.
Over time, we may ask members to moderate postings, which will speed up how fast a new member's first posting appears. But for now, we're looking good!
Thanks for recommendations that we go ahead and do this.