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Creating links

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  • stidik
    Re: Creating links

    Dmun and Daren,
    Thank you so much for your help. I was finally able to set up the link to my Picasa web gallery.

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  • dbhansen
    Re: Creating links

    Stephen, if you want to have the link in your "signature" line like mine (see 2 links at bottom of this post), so it appears with all your posts, use the User CP link in the upper left part of the screen, then click Edit Signature. In the box that appears, you can enter the words you want to link (like "My Picasa album"), and then highlight those words (drag over them with the mouse) and then click the little globe that dmum mentioned and enter (or paste in) the address. Hope that helps!


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  • dmun
    Re: Creating links

    Over the message window are three icons. The first:

    is a globe with a bit of chain. This is your link icon. Highlight the text you want to link to,

    Link to this text

    This brings up a dialog box that you can paste the URL of the page you want to link to.

    The other two buttons insert pictures that have a web address, and box quote something you want to talk about.

    These buttons just insert a bit of HTML code into your text, which you could, of course, type by hand.

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  • stidik
    started a topic Creating links

    Creating links

    Sorry, I missed it but I am confused as to how to insert a link in my posts. How specifically do you insert a link to a picaso web site?
