G,day, what a brilliant forum.
A person can develop a serious appetite browsing through here!
Have been planning to build an oven for ages, i'm a typical "gunna".
To give me my pizza fix i've been making pizza in my woodheater, just your typical koonara type, and it works surprisingly well considering maintaining heat is a challenge.
My family love them and i've had a couple of mini pizza parties that went well, but kept me very busy.
A person can develop a serious appetite browsing through here!
Have been planning to build an oven for ages, i'm a typical "gunna".
To give me my pizza fix i've been making pizza in my woodheater, just your typical koonara type, and it works surprisingly well considering maintaining heat is a challenge.
My family love them and i've had a couple of mini pizza parties that went well, but kept me very busy.