I have already found so much great information on this site. Many thanks to all the contributors and administrators.
I am heading up a collaborative effort to design and build a large, wood fired oven for an intentional community and religious order in Southern Arizona. It is part of a larger community kitchen remodeling project. Right now, I'm toying with a 48" Tuscan-style Pompeii Oven adjacent to a moderate-sized workspace and a social, fire-ring. I'm really excited about the project and look forward to getting up to speed in the world of WFOs quickly.
-Kazarian "Brother Juniper" K-Zar
I am heading up a collaborative effort to design and build a large, wood fired oven for an intentional community and religious order in Southern Arizona. It is part of a larger community kitchen remodeling project. Right now, I'm toying with a 48" Tuscan-style Pompeii Oven adjacent to a moderate-sized workspace and a social, fire-ring. I'm really excited about the project and look forward to getting up to speed in the world of WFOs quickly.
-Kazarian "Brother Juniper" K-Zar