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  • Greetings

    Hello all
    My name is John, and I am researching what is involved in building my own wood burning oven.
    I came across the plans here at Forno Bravo, and am amazed.All the detail required, and for free.
    In my research I did come across someone who seems to have pinched the plans and put them on their commercial site . Wood Fire Oven - The Pizza Bistro .Not even any credits. Pretty bad form.

    Anyway, just thought I would introduce myself.
    Cheers, and thanks for the forums/info


  • #2
    Re: Greetings

    Welcome John, and thanks for the info....


    • #3
      Re: Greetings


      Welcome, and you have come to the right place to research your oven-building plans. Before you put pencil to paper (or a CAD program like Sketchup), my advice is to decide what you plan to cook and how often. This simple exercise will largely determine what style and size oven will suit you/your family best. Of course, the costs involved (construction materials, time and fuel) will play a part, but spend some time and read through a number of threads (lots) to get a feel for where builders have incorporated design improvements to the basic FB plans. Even if you have never laid a single brick, the entire process and skills are quickly learned and begging for your ideas and imagination.

      Oh, and promise to take lots of pics and share your frustrations and triumphs. They keep us all engaged.


      • #4
        Re: Greetings

        Wecome John. It's a great site with lots of info. There's also a UK based site which is similar to FB although not as big. Good info there as well.

        Don't be afraid to jump in and do it. I had no masonry experience whatsoever before starting my build and am in the middle of things and doing fine. No one with any expertise will ever think a master mason built it, but it will look nice to most, and will undoubtedly do a great job cooking pizza, baking bread, and doing just about anything an oven should.

        I agree with John's advice about trying to decide what you want your primary use for it to be as there are different construction techniques to employ for differnt uses. Peruse the various pages and look at the builds to see what looks good to you. Then take your time, avail yourself of the advice and expertise which is available here, and have fun.


