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New to Pizza Oven Building - Hello All!

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  • New to Pizza Oven Building - Hello All!

    Hi, I'm Xene and I'm building a 48" corner installation Pompeii (or maybe Naples-style) oven. The warm spring has given me a nearly 2 month jump start on this project, I'm way ahead of schedule - and equally less prepared. I hope to find answers to my questions here as I get this build underway. Thanks in advance all, looking forward to participating here.
    Last edited by Xene; 04-27-2012, 08:37 PM. Reason: duplicate - sorry
    My oven album is here


  • #2
    Re: New to Pizza Oven Building - Hello All!


    That is a very large oven for home use.
    Lee B.
    DFW area, Texas, USA

    If you are thinking about building a brick oven, my advice is Here.

    I try to learn from my mistakes, and from yours when you give me a heads up.


    • #3
      Re: New to Pizza Oven Building - Hello All!

      Thanks for the welcome Lee. Yes, 48 is rather ambitious but we live in an extended family situation, very 'old-country' style, we total 9 just in the family and entertain as many as many35 several times a year. I don't want to build it and regret that I made it too small. Many things I've read seemed to express that you rarely regret bigger, but often regret smaller. Figured a few extra inches would be worth it. Good decision or careless?
      My oven album is here



      • #4
        Re: New to Pizza Oven Building - Hello All!

        Originally posted by Xene View Post
        ..... Good decision or careless?
        You are the one to please here, after the build, 48 inch oven will take more fuel than a smaller oven, that is all. Karangi Dude's 48 inch oven build is here.
        Last edited by Lburou; 04-28-2012, 06:52 AM.
        Lee B.
        DFW area, Texas, USA

        If you are thinking about building a brick oven, my advice is Here.

        I try to learn from my mistakes, and from yours when you give me a heads up.


        • #5
          Re: New to Pizza Oven Building - Hello All!

          Thanks for the link, Karangi Dude's oven is lovely! I've been scouring the forum for pictures of igloo styles, or even better, igloo with mosaics. If anyone can provide some links for either of those I might like to see, I'd sure appreciate it.

          I've got some stone work experience, I laid the patio that leads from the house to the oven area myself over the course of the last few years. It is recycled granite and city street brick.

          Any links to ovens using similar products in their design would also be most appreciated. I got a diamond-blade tile cutter for Christmas and a cement mixer for my birthday, now I intend to show these men around here how to use them!
          My oven album is here



          • #6
            Re: New to Pizza Oven Building - Hello All!

            I got a diamond-blade tile cutter for Christmas and a cement mixer for my birthday, now I intend to show these men around here how to use them!
            Ha! You go, girl!

            If I'm not mistaken, Karangi Dude has the most-envious of circumstances: a 48" pompeii and an unlimited supply of wood to fuel it with.

            If you haven't seen Frances' build in Switzerland, you will most likely enjoy the beautiful mosaic work she did on her oven. You may find it here:


            Looking forward to your pics, including your patio work.



            • #7
              Re: New to Pizza Oven Building - Hello All!

              48" is good I think you will be happy with that. I have a 42" and at times it can get cramped. I hope to start two 52"x72 barrel vault ovens soon, side by side... and yes John, I also have an unlimited supply of wood.

              Happy building


              • #8
                Re: New to Pizza Oven Building - Hello All!

                Curious if others can see the pictures I've uploaded to an album I started here? I included one in my reply #5. I can see it, but it doesn't show if I'm not logged in as myself. I can't tell if they are still awaiting moderation or if I've done it wrong.

                The album I started is here: - none to thrilling yet, but I will be sharing more as I go, and I'll add a few more 'scenic shots' of the area that show off the patio a bit more.
                My oven album is here



                • #9
                  Re: New to Pizza Oven Building - Hello All!

                  Originally posted by Xene View Post
                  Curious if others can see the pictures I've uploaded to an album I started here? I included one in my reply #5. I can see it, but it doesn't show if I'm not logged in as myself. I can't tell if they are still awaiting moderation or if I've done it wrong.

                  The album I started is here: - none to thrilling yet, but I will be sharing more as I go, and I'll add a few more 'scenic shots' of the area that show off the patio a bit more.
                  Yes, today I see four pictures. Nice location

                  P.S. Now, I see six pictures.....
                  Last edited by Lburou; 05-02-2012, 08:27 PM.
                  Lee B.
                  DFW area, Texas, USA

                  If you are thinking about building a brick oven, my advice is Here.

                  I try to learn from my mistakes, and from yours when you give me a heads up.


                  • #10
                    Re: New to Pizza Oven Building - Hello All!

                    Hmm. There are 6 total in that album, two more show my foundation and hearth stand. They say 'awaiting moderation' - did I do something wrong to require moderation? Oh - and thanks!
                    My oven album is here



                    • #11
                      Re: New to Pizza Oven Building - Hello All!

                      Here is another try at getting this picture to show of my oven base.

                      I got the concrete and rebar reinforcement in over the weekend (even with all the rain here in Iowa) and I'm looking forward to a few days without rain to get that hearth going.
                      My oven album is here



                      • #12
                        Re: New to Pizza Oven Building - Hello All!

                        Oven site looks great. Love that dog!
                        My build progress
                        My WFO Journal on Facebook
                        My dome spreadsheet calculator


                        • #13
                          Re: New to Pizza Oven Building - Hello All!

                          Originally posted by deejayoh View Post
                          Oven site looks great. Love that dog!
                          Thanks! That's Gynger the Inspector General, our 7 mo old bull terrier, she's a great 'help'!

                          My oven album is here



                          • #14
                            Re: New to Pizza Oven Building - Hello All!

                            Originally posted by Xene View Post
                            ....snip....Any links to ovens using similar products in their design would also be most appreciated...snip...
                            You will find some examples of the design and decoration you mentioned in the Photo Gallery, but you'll have to sift through a lot of pictures that do not interest you to find the ones that do.
                            Lee B.
                            DFW area, Texas, USA

                            If you are thinking about building a brick oven, my advice is Here.

                            I try to learn from my mistakes, and from yours when you give me a heads up.


                            • #15
                              Click image for larger version

Name:	pizza oven.jpg
Views:	468
Size:	739.9 KB
ID:	439712 Hello Again All! I have struggled with the photo uploader here on multiple attempts, but I think I got it this time. I built this one above \ pictured NINE years ago with the help of the forum members here (thanks guys -- you ALL ROCK!) but none of the album seems to be here anymore. I really could have used the notes from that build in planning for this latest one. oh well. I broke ground on April 20, 2021 and today I am applying the scratch coat stucco layer. It has been a blast building this second one. I sacrificed the first one in the divorce, but I knew I could do it again and I have! I will try to get more pictures up now that I've finally figured it out and my wifi held until the end of the post.

                              I am in Anamosa, Iowa and few people know that feeling of curing fires like you all. Sorry I haven't been more forthcoming with pictures of what I have been doing, but technology challenges me in my rural setting and honestly, I've been working really hard. Putting in a totally recycled patio space around the oven too. I will try to post back here to show those photos as it unfolds. It has been a crazy whirlwind of effort to get this done for a big bike ride through my state on July 29th, Ragbrai. We hope to launch a new pizza and music venue in our area.

                              I really hope to build more pizza ovens in my future. Chicken wire is up next and stucco in the cool of the evening happening tonight. Yes, those are bottle caps embedded in the stand.

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	insulationoven.jpg
Views:	392
Size:	786.1 KB
ID:	439713
                              My oven album is here


