Recently retired, I plan to build a pizza oven/smoker in my back yard. I hope this forum can help me with the design and planning of my project...
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Hello from Southern California, San Diego, U.S.A.
Welcome to the forum. Congratulations on the retirement. I'm recently retired myself. There will be a lot of jealous folks on here that worked full time and built /building their ovens with the little free time they had/have left . I know that there is plenty of information on this forum that can help you build a great performing pizza oven. I'm not so sure that you can get the best of both worlds out of one unit that is a mix of both. I've seen some pizza oven/smokers built on this forum but, I don't remember a whole lot of continuous feed back once they were built. I can see where a pizza oven and a smoker in close proximity would be handy. An example would be using coals from the oven and preheating chips for the smoker. However, I am looking forward to your ideas and other's replys.
Joe Watson " A year from now, you will wish that you had started today" My Build Album / My Build
Hi........I am near you in Temecula (Work in SD) and about to start my own build too. Have any luck sourcing materials?