Hello everyone, new to the site as a registered member but a long time visitor. Do not have a pizza oven yet, its still in the planning stages. I have been looking through the vast wealth of knowledge on this site trying to determine the size, shape and type of oven that will best meet my needs. Thanks for all the great info, looking forward to spending time with y'all on my pizza making journey.
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Greetings All from South Louisiana
As Joe says, welcome. Since you are in So. LA you should make it a point to go see Joe's oven (aka Gulf). I had a chance to visit him last year and it is a really nice oven. For planning purposes, here is a link of some of the more documented builds on the site, there are others too spread out on the forum. Remember to ask all the questions you want. Quite often we see builder get almost done and then ask the forum how to correct this or that, too late then. Easier to correct on paper, as they say.
Google Photo Album [https://photos.google.com/share/AF1Q...JneXVXc3hVNHd3/]