Hello to all you forum members.
After many months harvesting information from this forums many experienced and highly talented members, I have finally made a start on my WFO.
Having sourced materials over a good length of time, getting bargains where possible ( some turning out to be not so) I got to the stage where I found myself looking for excuses not to make the leap.... and Start the build, probably due inexperience and the fact I like to know exactly what I'm doing before I start. So, having now been furloughed from work due to the Corona virus, I have time on my hands, all the materials required ( I hope) and no valid excuses.
I'm looking to build a 39" Pompeii style domed oven and have started the main base and stand using handmade red clay bricks ( A bargain I recently acquired), incorporating it into an existing retaining wall and using the steps up to the raised garden as under counter storage space. Concrete and rebar foundations laid in the raised side of the garden and first double skinned course of bricks laid to get everything level. Tomorrow I shall start building the main stand to gain the recommended height of approximately 40". The front wall of the base ( the business end) is to include 2x brick arches that will give access to the under counter storage.
Hopefully it will all work out according to the plan I have in my head, but it is a work in progress and quite fluid at the moment. I shall see how the brick fall or hopefully, not.
No doubt, it wont be too long before I'm begging for advice.
Stay safe everyone.
After many months harvesting information from this forums many experienced and highly talented members, I have finally made a start on my WFO.
Having sourced materials over a good length of time, getting bargains where possible ( some turning out to be not so) I got to the stage where I found myself looking for excuses not to make the leap.... and Start the build, probably due inexperience and the fact I like to know exactly what I'm doing before I start. So, having now been furloughed from work due to the Corona virus, I have time on my hands, all the materials required ( I hope) and no valid excuses.
I'm looking to build a 39" Pompeii style domed oven and have started the main base and stand using handmade red clay bricks ( A bargain I recently acquired), incorporating it into an existing retaining wall and using the steps up to the raised garden as under counter storage space. Concrete and rebar foundations laid in the raised side of the garden and first double skinned course of bricks laid to get everything level. Tomorrow I shall start building the main stand to gain the recommended height of approximately 40". The front wall of the base ( the business end) is to include 2x brick arches that will give access to the under counter storage.
Hopefully it will all work out according to the plan I have in my head, but it is a work in progress and quite fluid at the moment. I shall see how the brick fall or hopefully, not.
No doubt, it wont be too long before I'm begging for advice.
Stay safe everyone.