I have been a member of the forum since 2010 but finally had the time to start my WFO build. Started a few weeks ago when my son who had been working as a pool builder BC (before cov19) He came home and wanted to build our oven. We already had done the slab a couple of years ago when we poured a concrete patio out back. We built a concrete block stand, filled every other hole with rebar and concrete, poured our rebar reinforced 4" slab, let it cure for a week, built an IT, drilled weep holes, placed scrap pieces of Italian porcelain tile over a sand fireclay base, laid out the FB sheets and we just finished cutting and laying out our floor with 18x18x2 fire bricks (some were a bit warped so that took some time. We cut the bricks to size so we can place the dome on the FB, not on the oven floor. It was a challenge getting our floor level. The FB sheets we had were from two separate boxes and the thickness was different by 1/8." Had to use some sand clay mixture to get everything level. It's been a good experience so far. Look forward to getting started on the dome.