Hi all
Thanks for all the incredible info on the site. I've spent countless hours going through it so far.
I am building a small home-brew cast oven and santa-maria grill in the garden.
I've never laid a brick before this so am equally excited and anxious about the whole thing.
This site has made it a lot more doable though.
I don't have a lot to offer experience wise but I'll start a thread for my build shortly, hopefully there can be something learned from my mistakes anyway.
Thanks for all the incredible info on the site. I've spent countless hours going through it so far.
I am building a small home-brew cast oven and santa-maria grill in the garden.
I've never laid a brick before this so am equally excited and anxious about the whole thing.
This site has made it a lot more doable though.
I don't have a lot to offer experience wise but I'll start a thread for my build shortly, hopefully there can be something learned from my mistakes anyway.