Jeffery7K , were you going to post pictures of your oven? You mentioned "this is how it turned out" but you didn't show or tell us anything.
Jeffery, first-welcome to the forum. I suggest you look at some of the threads/videos in the Wood Fired Oven cooking section to get a good idea of "how much fire" you need. I bake mostly bread (about 15-20 total done in several smaller batches) and burn a wheel barrow load of wood the night before a bake to charge the oven. Most folks here have reported they need 1.5 to 2 hrs of a good fire to preheat their ovens for pizza. Again, the cooking videos are very informative as you learn how to best use your Casa 80.
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Hi Firends
Hi Jeffery is here I'd been receiving Forno Bravo newsletters for a few months before purchasing an oven. I wanted to build a Pompei but didn't have the time or energy at my age, so I bought a Casa 80 and this is how it turned out.Tags: None
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