Hi There,
My summer holiday project (i'm a school teacher) has been to make a brick oven. I wish I'd discovered this web site earlier as it's been quite a journey of discovery to date and I suspect a lot of my questions would have been quickly answered by viewing the resources on the Forno Bravo site. I thought I'd attach some images and notes on my oven project in case any one else is interested in building a brick oven without having to re-mortgage their house.
My summer holiday project (i'm a school teacher) has been to make a brick oven. I wish I'd discovered this web site earlier as it's been quite a journey of discovery to date and I suspect a lot of my questions would have been quickly answered by viewing the resources on the Forno Bravo site. I thought I'd attach some images and notes on my oven project in case any one else is interested in building a brick oven without having to re-mortgage their house.