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A newbies survey of the Forno Bravo treasures hiding in the archives

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  • SableSprings
    Re: A newbie?s survey of the Forno Bravo treasures hiding in the archives

    Monthly bump

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  • cobblerdave
    Re: A newbie?s survey of the Forno Bravo treasures hiding in the archives

    Monthly bump

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  • Bubbalotski
    Re: A newbie?s survey of the Forno Bravo treasures hiding in the archives

    Nice. thanks for posting

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  • Lburou
    Re: A newbie?s survey of the Forno Bravo treasures hiding in the archives

    The risk of trying something new is less if you pattern your effort after someone who has been successful in the same endeavor.

    Brickie in oz started a thread with good feedback about what members here would do differently next time they build an oven, its: here. Check it out, it will help you plan your oven build.

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  • happytacker
    Re: A newbie?s survey of the Forno Bravo treasures hiding in the archives

    Thank you so much for all your research! I really appreciate it. Can't wait to keep reading your thread.

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  • UtahBeehiver
    Re: A newbie?s survey of the Forno Bravo treasures hiding in the archives

    Lee, I added Neil's link to the polished concrete thread. Thx......

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  • Lburou
    Re: A newbie?s survey of the Forno Bravo treasures hiding in the archives

    Polishing concrete:

    A good thing to keep in the back of your mind is polishing concrete instead of using granite for the food prep and trim areas. Neil2 posted here about the way he did his concrete grinding to a high standard.

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  • Coloradoredusa
    Re: A newbie?s survey of the Forno Bravo treasures hiding in the archives

    Just doing my part to keep this valuable thread circulating!

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  • david s
    Re: A newbie?s survey of the Forno Bravo treasures hiding in the archives

    Ok, you've done the crucifixion, how about giving the guy a rest. Rule 3 asks us to be polite.

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  • Laurentius
    Re: A newbie?s survey of the Forno Bravo treasures hiding in the archives

    Hey Al,

    Whats the office he running for? He has 5 posts, is he qualified? There are 2 slots open. BS, police chief and BS, cleaner upper. I hope he will consolidate the two. Some of us will be on retroactive probation. Are the wild duckd, peking??????

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  • mikku
    Re: A newbie?s survey of the Forno Bravo treasures hiding in the archives

    I second that nomination!--and the winner is..................................?

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  • brickie in oz
    Re: A newbie?s survey of the Forno Bravo treasures hiding in the archives

    Originally posted by Lburou
    We need a post about once a month to keep it there. :hinthint:
    I nominate Wild Duck.

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  • mikku
    Re: A newbie?s survey of the Forno Bravo treasures hiding in the archives

    Originally posted by Filthymutt View Post
    Normal Japanese don't wear tattoos. Only the mobsters have tattoos or those with links to them. Hence the long sleeves and covering up.

    We visited a waterslide park near Tokyo about two years ago and there was a big sign at the entrance NO TATTOOS ALLOWED. If you had one it had to be covered up. Saw several girls with large bandages on that were only meant for covering their ink.
    You didn't read the sign right. It meant "no short guys" that point to the sky and say "DA PLANE! DA PLANE" --like from "Fantacy Island"!

    I guess no professional athletes or entertainers are welcome either! Another stupid "stereotype rule", there is some really great body art out there and it is part of this culture..denying it doesn't make it go away!

    Another stupid rule--Osaka mayor says that you cannot work in municipal government (any capacity .. even garbage collector? or any of the other unsavory jobs - traditionally listed for lower class (in Japan), honey wagon drivers, meat cutters, persons handling dead people etc) if you have a tatoo... Doesn't say--no exposed tatoo, simply tatoo. It was in a survey that public employees had to fill out.. if you lied, you would also be terminated.

    If you don't like my post--don't read it!

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  • mikku
    Re: A newbie?s survey of the Forno Bravo treasures hiding in the archives

    I really don't think Laurentius is Yakuza! Has enough martial arts skills not to need a gang to cover his ass.

    As far as hi-jacking the thread, follow what is listed in the first 10 posts.
    The rest sounds like good-ole-boyz back slapping or a night listening to thanks at the Oscars or Academy Awards.

    The concept of a making it easy to find information is a mistake! Much better you have to dig through things to find something instead of it just given free on a golden platter.

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  • mrchipster
    Re: A newbie?s survey of the Forno Bravo treasures hiding in the archives

    Originally posted by Wild Duck
    Wow you guys sure do now how to stuff up a good thread (with your off subject crap)
    Seems this has happened to a few good threads on this site.
    What about getting back to the topic.

    I am a newbie (member that is) but I have been hanging around this forum for a long while, I don't think new members need to be side tracked with rubbish especially on Lee's good thread.
    Just my 20 cents
    I apologize for taking this thread into the weeds with my prior comments.

    Thanks to those of you who have a sense of humor and are willing to share an occasional diversion to the technicals.

    Lee, My sincere apologies to You for sending this thread off track. I would be very willing to remove my off track posts to this thread should you desire.


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