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What next??

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  • What next??

    There is so much good information listed, it takes time to try to search for specifics, I was hoping to get some advice on what is the best steps to take.

    1. Finished my dome, but need to complete the arch/flue. Can I start drying my oven with heat lamps or canned heat right away, or do I need to wait a week before doing that?

    2. Once I complete my arch/flue, will I still need to wait a week for it to dry before I cure my oven, will I have problems?

    3. Once the insulation material is on the dome, how do you secure it? I see people using Chicken wire, but how do you secure that to the dome?

    4. Some were putting vermiculite on the chicken wire, how thick and what is the ratio of vermiculite to Portland cement?

    Thank you for those that respond, much appreciated!


  • #2
    Re: What next??

    Use Tap cons to secure wire which holds the blanket in place, chicken wire over this is then tied in place with thin wire to the wire holding the blanket in place.

    I would only start curing oven when the blanket is on. Others don't. But remember one vermicrete is supplied your blanket will be really wet. So you will need to dry after this anyway. So wait.
    Cheers Colin

    My Build - Index to Major Build Stages


    • #3
      Re: What next??

      Hello Checker

      I did not secure the chicken wire to the dome. I moulded it around the c/f blanket and put the vermiculite around that. The vermicrete was 1 part portland to 8 parts vermiculite by volume. It is not a particularly friendly medium but I used the ball - smear and leave it alone method but you will soon learn that it is not to be played with once placed.

      Good luck with this part of your build.
      Cheers ......... Steve

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      • #4
        Re: What next??

        so glad I didn't go the vermicrete path.
        Cheers Colin

        My Build - Index to Major Build Stages


        • #5
          Re: What next??

          Hey Colin, Not such a hassle once you get the feel of the stuff. I am working on an oven for a friend and one for my daughter and they will get the vermiculite treatment. Between that and some 75 cent firebricks they will get a decent oven for less than a bit of rubbish from a box store that does not come with at base!

          I believe that is what families and friends are about.
          Cheers ......... Steve

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          • #6
            Re: What next??

            Hey Steve

            Considering almost 100% of builders on this site have used Vermicrete over the blanket and it works I wont argue.

            I am probably the only one on this site that didn't use Vermiculite to insulate whether loose or made into a concrete layer

            I spoke with 2 professional and commercial oven builders a number of times both with over 30 years in the industry building furnaces and ovens and both steered me away from that. Both also suggested that layer should be should be used to lock the dome. David will say different [you use the best insulation first] as we have had this discussion previously.

            I used shiralite and it seems to do the trick not sure on my next build [2 years away] what I will do. At this stage probably the same thing.

            The vermicrete though is obviously much much cheaper I just don't see the point of putting such a wet layer directly over the blanket. But,, I am the odd one out here.
            Last edited by oasiscdm; 07-15-2014, 06:20 AM.
            Cheers Colin

            My Build - Index to Major Build Stages

