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Cutting bricks for every course

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  • Cutting bricks for every course

    Im building a WFO and have a quick question. I have done the first course. But do I need to cut all bricks in an angle so the dome can hold it self up ? I see other ppl do it but, is is not possible to use high heat mortar to do it ?

    Hope you know what I'm talking about, otherwise i will try to clarify with pictures.

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  • #2
    Re: Cutting bricks for every course

    Originally posted by Madsen View Post
    Im building a WFO and have a quick question. I have done the first course. But do I need to cut all bricks in an angle so the dome can hold it self up ? I see other ppl do it but, is is not possible to use high heat mortar?
    Madsen, you can do it either way but the prefered method is to cut each brick with a taper for a nice tight joint and little mortar. There are a few spread sheets floating around the forum that will do the calc's for you. You end up cutting one standard brick three times and you end up with two perfect tapered bricks. I'm sure someone will weigh in and have the link for you and in the mean time I'll look also.

    I only tapered the bricks the last few courses on my WFO build and if I do another build I will taper each course.

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    • #3
      Re: Cutting bricks for every course

      Here it is

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      • #4
        Re: Cutting bricks for every course

        Welcome Madsen - There are those on the forum who have cut their bricks with a hammer and bolster and used mortar to fill the gaps. There are others who have cut their bricks so accurately that they barely needed mortar at all. And there are many who occupy the space between these extremes.

        I have a couple of domes completed now and cut the bricks progressively more as the dome progresses with a view to achieving minimal gaps on the inside of the dome with the gaps at the back being filled with mortar. I am happy with the results of the more recent domes and my original is still solid and intact but considering that I had not touched a brick previously I am happy with it.

        If you want to use the 'cut less and fill more' method then you can save on the mortar cost with using a 'home brew' of 3 fine sand, 1 hydrated lime, 1 portland cement and 1 fire clay (by volume).

        Good luck with your build. I am sure that plenty of wisdom will be available on the forum should you seek advice.
        Cheers ......... Steve

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        • #5
          Re: Cutting bricks for every course

          Hey guys.

          Good to know that u understand my English even tho i wrote it half in my sleep on my iPhone.

          Thanks for the reply, what I can read from the post above, I can use either way.

          However I will try to cut each course as i go, i have looked at the spreadsheet but it makes me a bit confused Maybe I should study it a bit more. But i wont cut each stone a 100 % as perfect as the pros, but just so i wont spent so much mortar. i have 100 kilo (dry) for the entire dome.

          Im in the same position, i have never builded anything with bricks, cement etc etc before. so my priority is to get it round, and as smooth edges inside as possible.
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          • #6
            Re: Cutting bricks for every course

            Originally posted by Madsen View Post

            However I will try to cut each course as i go, i have looked at the spreadsheet but it makes me a bit confused Maybe I should study it a bit more. But i wont cut each stone a 100 % as perfect as the pros.
            Madsen, I felt the same way " confused" until I built my own jig and cut a few bricks with it then it made complete sense. You can download a app on your iPhone that will help set the angle, I used "Ihandy level". Read all the info provided in the link I posted for you, that will be a big help.

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            • #7
              Re: Cutting bricks for every course

              The pros just use 1/2, 1/3, and quarter brick with no beveling at all. It is only those who build their own ovens who take the time to cut each brick to fit precisely.


              • #8
                Re: Cutting bricks for every course

                I was one who decided that I needed to have precisely cut bricks for the bevels and tapers. Yes, the oven turned out nice. That said, my next oven, LOL, I will just focus on the inner dome joints only, making them, tight and precise. The rest of the gap other than the inside face will be filled in with mortar. No one ever sees the outer dome joints all said and done.
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                • #9
                  Re: Cutting bricks for every course


                  Just finished the first course after the soldiers. (i think its called - I'm trying to learn all the correct words here )
                  I did that course with only 1/2 bricks.. and despite my soldiers where not a perfect round circle. i think actually it came out quite nice. I have not dreamt of it would go so "easy" when i have never tried something similar before. And all my joints is nice and tidy (in my eyes anyway) so i won't be trying to cut each 1/2 brick more than they should.
                  Maybe if i decide to make another wfo in the future I would have more expertise to reach the end coal faster and more pretty

                  After the first course i have corrected the circle, so its now (according to the IT) perfectly round. Which will make the second course a lot more pretty and tight.

                  New pictures of the first course added..
                  Last edited by Madsen; 08-03-2014, 12:26 PM.
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                  • #10
                    Re: Cutting bricks for every course

                    Congrats on getting your first course completed. I think you will find that as your dome progresses so will your technique and efficiency. By the time you are finished cutting all of your dome bricks you will have become quite proficient.

                    As you continue, you may want to take a moment to ensure the vertical joints on bricks do not line up, keeping your bricks 'on bond'. This will help reduce cracking somewhat.

                    Good luck. Looking forward to some pics!



                    • #11
                      Re: Cutting bricks for every course

                      Hi john,

                      Thank you.
                      Yes im starting with a half ?brick nxt row, to ensure im on bond and no vertical joints will line up.

                      Im just worried about the inner arch now, how to do it. I'll have to make this today, so I try to figure out how to do it. Thats the part im most worried about of everything.
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                      • #12
                        Re: Cutting bricks for every course


                        There are several ways to construct an inner arch. The method I used takes some more cutting initially, but saves cutting later on, and provides for a stronger arch, IMHO.
                        Here is a series of photos that explains the process:



                        • #13
                          Re: Cutting bricks for every course

                          Hi Gianni,

                          Oh thats just what i have been looking for! This will help me complete todays Work - hopefully.
                          Are all the bricks you have on the inner arch the same dimensions ?
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                          • #14
                            Re: Cutting bricks for every course

                            Are all the bricks you have on the inner arch the same dimensions?
                            Yes and no. I initially cut and tapered hem all to match the TDC (top-center) brick, which extends further into the oven the most. I then spaced them with shims and used a string to draw a line representing the interior circumference of the oven on the top of each brick. I cut them according to the line and viola.

                            Pic #1 shows an untapered and a tapered brick. You can see on brick No. 4 that I have yet to make the cut derived from the string. Tapered bricks in pic #3 are ready to be mortared.




                            • #15
                              Re: Cutting bricks for every course

                              Hi john,

                              I got the inner arch made yesterday evening. And I'm actually quite happy with it. I think the angle on the back of the stones will fit nicely to the dome courses. This is going to be tested tonight. Only one thing im not to happy about is the key-stone in the middle of the arch. to the front i cut the stone in the wrong angle so it was way to big. but i used a wedge to hold it tight - and tried to remove the Wood frame, and it was still in place (without mortar) so i went ahead.

                              Look at the Pictures for yourself - in the signature link.
                              Follow my build:

