I hope someone can answer my quesiton. It's driving me crazy. I have read several posts whrere people talk about how fast their refrax motar sets and how hard it gets, etc.
When I apply it, it dries quickly enough, but after it dries, (24 hrs later) it brushes off and truns to a sandy grit and blows away in the wind.
I'm wondering if I'm adding too much water or not enough. Pehaps it is something else. I'm using the Refrax from Forno.
Can someone help here?
When I apply it, it dries quickly enough, but after it dries, (24 hrs later) it brushes off and truns to a sandy grit and blows away in the wind.
I'm wondering if I'm adding too much water or not enough. Pehaps it is something else. I'm using the Refrax from Forno.
Can someone help here?