Anybody familiar with using alternative fuel sources (other than Jim's LP)?
Someone asked about charcoal and pelletized wood. Any thoughts?
Has anyone considered using pellitized wood in these ovens?
This company
has successfully used the wood pellets in their barbecues and smokers.
The dealer who sells pellitized wood heating/cooking stoves here in Lancaster is a friend and he sells a huge number of the pellet stoves (he has about 20 styles in his store at any one time) and they develop a lot of heat with much less fuel than the traditional wood stove.
He sells only the Energex wood pellets as there are no additives.
It seems to me that the pellets could be used to do the primary heating of the oven, then the residue raked out and regular wood added late in the heating time, perhaps burning in a different area of the oven, left in the oven to maintain the temperature.
Someone asked about charcoal and pelletized wood. Any thoughts?
Has anyone considered using pellitized wood in these ovens?
This company
has successfully used the wood pellets in their barbecues and smokers.
The dealer who sells pellitized wood heating/cooking stoves here in Lancaster is a friend and he sells a huge number of the pellet stoves (he has about 20 styles in his store at any one time) and they develop a lot of heat with much less fuel than the traditional wood stove.
He sells only the Energex wood pellets as there are no additives.
It seems to me that the pellets could be used to do the primary heating of the oven, then the residue raked out and regular wood added late in the heating time, perhaps burning in a different area of the oven, left in the oven to maintain the temperature.