I am posting this warning because of what happened to me. I used a wok that I own that connects to a propane tank. Things were going well and maintaining 350 on day 2. The fire from the wok went out after an hour and like an idiot I relit it while it was IN the OVEN. Obviously, there was gas in the oven and it blew. I burned my hand, part of my arm, lost hair on arm and had to seek medical attention. I was back in half an hour and built a fire. Anyway, this way will work, but just be careful. You can light it in the oven the first time, but I recommend taking it back out and then putting it back in if you have to relight. I is an idiot
and I hope I can keep others from making the same mistake.
Day 1 went well with a fire all day at 300 and I put in four chicken thighs and slow cooked them for two hours. Delicious. Salt, pepper and sliced tomatoes on top.
God Bless and enjoy the oven.
singed but motivated

Day 1 went well with a fire all day at 300 and I put in four chicken thighs and slow cooked them for two hours. Delicious. Salt, pepper and sliced tomatoes on top.
God Bless and enjoy the oven.
singed but motivated