We have had 4 firings, and I was wondering, how do you (anyone?, anyone?) build you fires - meaning do you build in the center, let it go to red coals, then move to the side? Or do you just build in the corner and leave the fire in one place? I have been working with the fire at the 10 o'clock position, and am getting to 900F+ on the dome, and about 500F on the 2 o'clock floor position - but I am finding that it takes a roaring fire to get the floor to that temp. I think I did a good job on building, as 16 hours after intial firing the dome was still at 224F, with the floor at 167F. I picked up a ratek RT-6 which has been invaluable in wokring thorugh 'heat management' ! Last Saturday, we did 8 pies, for 19 people - what a blast..
Stanley K.
Stanley K.