It works great for me. I use lump charcoal quite often. Some of it is saved from previous firings and some is store bought when I can find a good sale. I like to start it in a chimney starter to to get a quick and hot coal bed started for a new fire. Also, if I need an extra few degrees when the oven is on the decline, I'll fire a chimney full or two and throw it in there to bring the oven up to temp. It is quick and easy way to get another 50 to 100 degree recharge for a roast. Charcoal burns clean, so it does not soot the oven back up. I wouldn't hesitate to use charcoal briquettes either, if I had some around. I just don't ever buy any. I'm not sure what kind of charcoal that you brought home, but either kind is a bargain when you can get it for free

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