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Black walnut wood

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  • Black walnut wood

    Hi guys! I recently got a bunch of black walnut wood that I’m going to split and dry. I’ve seen some people saying that this wood is a no-no. Can anyone give some insight on black walnut?

  • #2
    I never heard of a problem with burning it as a fuel. It's a hardwood and should burn just fine. We have burned some of the cabinet wood scraps in the fireplace and wood stove over the years. I don't remember a problem with it. . Black Walnut is just lot more valuable when sold for furniture making than when sold for fire wood.prices. That's probably where the "no-no" comes from.
    Joe Watson " A year from now, you will wish that you had started today" My Build Album / My Build


    • #3
      Originally posted by Gulf View Post
      I never heard of a problem with burning it as a fuel. It's a hardwood and should burn just fine. We have burned some of the cabinet wood scraps in the fireplace and wood stove over the years. I don't remember a problem with it. . Black Walnut is just lot more valuable when sold for furniture making than when sold for fire wood.prices. That's probably where the "no-no" comes from.
      Thanks! I’ve heard it releases bad/toxic fumes and it’s not good for the pizza. Once again I just read this on the sticky form about wood so I’m not sure also. Just wondering if anyone else has any experience or such...


      • #4
        I hope some others will respond. But, not many "bad/toxic fumes" can survive pizza temps. Actually, all woods emit bad toxic fumes on a cold startup. Some wood that is not even considered a good cooking wood can be used to heat the oven. I don't hesitate to throw a little pine with some oak windfalls in mine at startup. Then I switch over to only hardwood as the dome is beginning to clear. If you still have some doubts after the responses from the forum, try the open web. If you still have doubts, put an add out on the social networks. The wood you have may be cut too short for funiture making but, there are a lot of bowl turners out there that would love to have it. Then, take the proceeds and buy a few cords of seasoned oak.

        EDIT: Don't use dry pine during the curing/drying schedule or by itself on startup. It burns hot and fast! Use it only as as a kindling in a cured/dry oven!
        Last edited by Gulf; 10-11-2020, 06:22 PM.
        Joe Watson " A year from now, you will wish that you had started today" My Build Album / My Build


        • #5
          The only wood I won't burn is that that has been treated, painted/stained or glued (like plywood). Like Joe I keep hardwood for any cooking I want to do with a live fire but will burn just about anything to get BTU's into the oven. I'll even do live fire cooking with soft wood if I have any that does not "pop" and shoot embers onto the food.
          My build thread

