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Pizza Oven Design and Installation

Forums Topics Posts Last Post
Tools, Tips and Techniques
Share your favorite tools, time saving tips, and what you learned while building your oven.
Topics: 1,132 Posts: 9,692
Last Post: Material storage
1,132 9,692
david s
by david s
Getting Started
Questions and comments on pizza oven design, location, foundation, stand, hearth, insulation and more.
Topics: 2,524 Posts: 22,959
2,524 22,959
Finding Building Materials
Advice, recommendations and discussions on finding local building materials—anywhere in the world.
Topics: 610 Posts: 4,646
610 4,646
Forno Bravo Oven Installation
Questions and comments on installing a Forno Bravo (or any other) modular or assembled oven.
Topics: 445 Posts: 3,564
Last Post: Casa 110 build
445 3,564
Pompeii Oven Construction
Questions and comments on building the Pompeii Oven chamber and vent.
Topics: 2,556 Posts: 52,659
2,556 52,659
Design Styles, Chimneys and Finish
Finish your oven against the weather, and to look good -- even though you are already using it.
Topics: 739 Posts: 6,582
Last Post: Chimney Questions
739 6,582
Commercial Pizza Ovens
Ask questions and give your feedback on commercical pizza ovens for pizzerias and restaurants.
Topics: 162 Posts: 1,658
162 1,658
Other Oven Types
Discuss alternative types of wood oven, from clay and cobb to steel dome and even beer keg ovens.
Topics: 554 Posts: 8,631
554 8,631
Topics: 11 Posts: 73
11 73