Here is a translation of an email we just received from our olive oil producer in Florence. Great stuff.

The first of the new oil has a flavor very accentuated and quite aggressive, with a beautiful green color, resulting from the early harvest of olives that are not yet too mature. In 15-20 days, when the olives become more mature and the color becomes more black, the oil will be less aggressive with a more gentle flavor and a color that will become an intense green. The olive, like any fruit will be bitter when it is younger and more acidic, and more sweet (gentle) when they are more mature. In Toscana we say Young Oil and Old Wine.


We are working on a plan for air shipping the Olio Nuovo to California, so stay tuned for more details on that.

Il primo nuovo olio ha un gusto molto accentuato abbastanza aggressivo e di un colore verde molto bello, derivato da olive raccolte non molto mature. Tra 15 o20 giorni quando le olive sarranno mature e diventano di colore nero si ha un olio meno aggressivo con un sapore molto gradevole e cambia anche il colore diventando un verde intenso.Sai le olive sono come tutti i frutti se vengono mangiati acerbi sono aspri se sono maturi sono dolci.Da noi in TOSCANA un proverbio dice. OLIO NUOVO VINO VECCHIO.