My son just called and said there was a program on the Cooking Channel in which they did a myth-busters concept on "The best pizza is from New York b/c of the water". They had serveral pizza makes from across the country and they all could pick out the pizza made with NYC water (the other waters were from Los Angeles & Chicago).
1) Any one else see this show? Any merit to the myth? Is water really that important/different to taste?
2) Marketing idea here?
3) I'm flying thru Newark Airport next week. Should I bring an empty gallon jug and fill it from the drinking fountain? Or isn't that close enough to NYC?
1) Any one else see this show? Any merit to the myth? Is water really that important/different to taste?
2) Marketing idea here?
3) I'm flying thru Newark Airport next week. Should I bring an empty gallon jug and fill it from the drinking fountain? Or isn't that close enough to NYC?
