I made a great sauce recently (process kindly provided by kiwipete) and had a fair bit left over that I wanted to store. I was advised to go down the preserving path but I didn't have any bottles available so opted to freeze the excess. Last night I decided to thaw some of for use on a pizza. Once it has thawed I noted that the water and sauce had completely separated and I used some paper towel to absorb the excess water. Even so it didn't return to it's original consistency and I was wondering what I should do with the rest of the frozen sauce.
Perhaps it would be worth reducing it on a low heat to see how that turns out. Maybe freezing just kills the tomato sauce and it isn't worth trying to resurrect? Anyone had any experience bringing frozen sauce back to life?
Perhaps it would be worth reducing it on a low heat to see how that turns out. Maybe freezing just kills the tomato sauce and it isn't worth trying to resurrect? Anyone had any experience bringing frozen sauce back to life?