Does anybody have any experience of part cooking pizza for a large party?
Flash cook a bare base until it won't stick or part cook with sauce and/or toppings? any help would be gratefully received.
My pizza base making skills are not sufficiently well developed for rapid pizza making and I rather unwisely offered to run a Soiree Pizza for a charity fund raising, next week...I don't seem to be able to locate Caputo flour here (France) and 00 pizza flour is unobtainable locally-I use Molino Spadoni 00 bought online, instant yeast here is horrible so I get baker's yeast from the boulangerie when I need it. Starting from scratch I used the FB dough recipe but it is either slack and sticky or tough and springy-though I did manage to get it about right a few days ago but have not been able to repeat it in spite of abiding to strict time/temperature/weight/mixing-if it were consistently bad or good I could fix it, or not as the case may be, but I seem to get inconsistent results from a consistent system(except for the FB Pompei oven which works perfectly, pictures to follow)
Flash cook a bare base until it won't stick or part cook with sauce and/or toppings? any help would be gratefully received.
My pizza base making skills are not sufficiently well developed for rapid pizza making and I rather unwisely offered to run a Soiree Pizza for a charity fund raising, next week...I don't seem to be able to locate Caputo flour here (France) and 00 pizza flour is unobtainable locally-I use Molino Spadoni 00 bought online, instant yeast here is horrible so I get baker's yeast from the boulangerie when I need it. Starting from scratch I used the FB dough recipe but it is either slack and sticky or tough and springy-though I did manage to get it about right a few days ago but have not been able to repeat it in spite of abiding to strict time/temperature/weight/mixing-if it were consistently bad or good I could fix it, or not as the case may be, but I seem to get inconsistent results from a consistent system(except for the FB Pompei oven which works perfectly, pictures to follow)