Hello, I'm new to the crowd and would like to build a pizza oven. From what I have been reading so far on this group, the round one is best for Pizza, as least, my choice so*far.*
I also have a passion for good Pizza, and has there been anyone out there that has a special technique that they think makes their pizza just a bit more special? I'm not talking about just the fantastic oven, wood fired, to cook it in, but the ingredients and how it is prepared before it hits the oven? Mmm, great Pizza, don't it make your mouth water and with a great bottle of wine or beer or your favorite beverage? I believe like the Italians, a good wine with your food makes a good food, better. Any comments?
Perry Wise
I also have a passion for good Pizza, and has there been anyone out there that has a special technique that they think makes their pizza just a bit more special? I'm not talking about just the fantastic oven, wood fired, to cook it in, but the ingredients and how it is prepared before it hits the oven? Mmm, great Pizza, don't it make your mouth water and with a great bottle of wine or beer or your favorite beverage? I believe like the Italians, a good wine with your food makes a good food, better. Any comments?
Perry Wise