In preparing some Mother's Day pizza I inadvertently left the biga on the kitchen counter overnight (normally in the fridge). This morning it was looking really good and had rised to about double its size. I sifted the flour (to check for nasties) - which I don't normally do - and kept the kneading to a minimum and found that the finished product was incredibly smooth and highly elastic. Just as I wanted it!
I am wondering if I will get a slightly lighter (Da Michele style) pizza out of this after a 4 hour proofing session. Will report back on my findings and will see if I can duplicate the results again in the future if they are particulalry good.
I am wondering if I will get a slightly lighter (Da Michele style) pizza out of this after a 4 hour proofing session. Will report back on my findings and will see if I can duplicate the results again in the future if they are particulalry good.