Was recently in Venice for my 21st wedding anniversary with my wife and had a pizza along the Tolentini canal at a restaurant called Al Bacco Felice. Here's a picture:
It had char and tasted great. The pepperoni was also very good. It had all the pepperoni flavor, but was leaner and, well, just really good. I imagine that you could get a pizza like this just about anywhere we stopped in Venice. No wood ovens, though. I just purchased some Molino Caputo flour and made some pizzas before leaving for this trip. It was interesting to see how it all stacked up. To tell you the truth...mine was better because of the forno a legna!
BTW, here's a beer we tried and really liked:
The label has the year 1766 on it. It was a pilsner.
Italian beer and pizza along the a canal after a long walk...mmmmm!

It had char and tasted great. The pepperoni was also very good. It had all the pepperoni flavor, but was leaner and, well, just really good. I imagine that you could get a pizza like this just about anywhere we stopped in Venice. No wood ovens, though. I just purchased some Molino Caputo flour and made some pizzas before leaving for this trip. It was interesting to see how it all stacked up. To tell you the truth...mine was better because of the forno a legna!
BTW, here's a beer we tried and really liked:

The label has the year 1766 on it. It was a pilsner.
Italian beer and pizza along the a canal after a long walk...mmmmm!