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Ceci (chick-pea) pizza; recipe for?

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  • Ceci (chick-pea) pizza; recipe for?

    American friends of mine recently bought an apartment in Alpascio, Italy and returned from a visit raving about the pizza made in that town using chick-pea flour. They indicated the dough which had a consistancy similar to pancake batter was placed in a pan and squirted with olive oil then placed in the brick oven. The final product was very thin.
    I was wondering if anyone know the recipe for making the dough using ceci flour.
    Fred Di Napoli

  • #2
    Re: Ceci (chick-pea) pizza; recipe for?

    That pizza type is called "Fugazza (or Foggazza)" and it is very common in some countries.
    In Argentina, as an example, it is normally eaten on top of a muzzarella slice.
    The pizza in this country is normally consumed 'to go' and by slice.
    At lunch or any time between lunch and dinner, it is common to see bussines people stop walking in front of a counter and ask to the shop assistant a muzzarella slice with fugazza, a glass of coke or even better, a strong coffee.
    The muzza + fugazza is eated just on the counter.
    The most traditional pizza 'eaters' do prefer a muzzarella, ham and sweet red pepper slice with fugazza and a vermouth with the always traditional gasified water knowed as 'soda'. It is mine!
    Of course, the pizza is consumed as an entire unit when dinning and it is possible to order an entire pizza with three or four slices of fugazza.
    The pizza in Argentina has a thick, airy and firm dough, may be half inch of dough, tomato sauce and lots of muzzarella over it.
    I did fugazza several times and I will translate the recipe asap.



    • #3
      Re: Ceci (chick-pea) pizza; recipe for?


      Sorry, my mind betray myself.
      The name of the ceci pizza is FAINÁ, and not fugazza, that is a pizza with EVOO and onions (as foccacia) and is normally eated combined with a muzzarella slice too.

      The comments over fugazza above are perfectly applied to FAINÁ, just the name was wrong.

      To give you a little more of information here goes a non translated recipe of FAINÁ and, as by my mistake, the fugassa recipe too.
      I will translate asap (garbanzos= ceci = chicpea) (harina = flour) (agua = water)

      Fainá - Es puro zeneize, fainá de eixei, farinata di ceci en italiano. La fainá, en Argentina, ha sido elemento casi inseparable de la pizza. La porción de pizza se comía junto con el mismo sector de sabrosa fainá arriba.. La "Donmackización" y la proliferación de venta de pizza barata han destruido esta costumbre. Solamente viejos bolichones, con todo el cariño y el recuerdo que les tenemos, sostienen aquella tradición; también sus parroquianos son de la misma época... en extinción natural, queda por lo tanto muy poco tiempo para que el hábito desaparezca del todo. Non obstante, esperanzado en una nueva argentinización de las costumbres, daré la más simple y la mejor receta de fainá elaborada con la insuperable harina de garbanzos que una tradicional familia argentina produce desde hace 65 años.

      Ingredientes - 200 gramos de harina de garbanzos, 600 ml de agua, 1 cucharadita de sal, pimienta molida. Aceite de oliva.

      Preparación - Entibiar una pizzera al horno y untarla con abundante aceite de oliva. Mezclar la harina, la sal y la pimienta con el agua vertiéndola gradualmente, primero formando una pasta sin grumos, luego diluyéndola con el resto del agua. Colocarla en la pizzera* untada y cocinar al horno a temperatura alta hasta que se seque y dore. Comer non del todo caliente con un chorrito de aceite de oliva arriba y acompañando la porción de pizza... para no olvidarse de las buenas costumbres argentinas.
      * El recipiente para hornear la fainá es una gran pizzera y preferiblemente de cobre, que si la tiene, emplee el 50% más de ingredientes.

      Fugassa al aceite de oliva - Otra gloria de la cocina zeneise, fugassa a l'eujo, focaccia all'olio en italiano. A la mañana, caliente y perfumada, es otro levantarse...

      Ingredientes - Un kilo de harina 000, 25 gramos de levadura de cerveza fresca, 2 vasos medianos de aceite de oliva o de girasol bueno en el caso que sus bolsillos están menguados, 2 cucharaditas de sal, 2 cucharaditas de azúcar, agua tibia a 40º C., sal fina.

      Preparación - Disolver la levadura en 600 cc. de agua tibia con la dos cucharaditas de azúcar. Formar una corona con la harina con la sal fina ya incorporada e ir agregando la mezcla líquida. Amasar hasta formar un bollo liso y suave. Espolvorear con harina y cubrir con un paño limpio y hacer levar seis horas. Luego amasar otra vez incorporando despacito un vaso de aceite. Extender la masa en varias pizzeras untada con aceite y dejar levar una hora más. En el momento de hornear, salar con sal fina y bañar con hilos de aceite. Cocinar a horno fuerte y cuando comienza a tomar un dorado suave, sacarla y esparcir nuevamente unos hilos de aceite arriba. Se come caliente con un abundante café o café con leche o una grapa si se la banca...



      • #4
        Re: Ceci (chick-pea) pizza; recipe for?

        Hi fdn1....................I'm not sure where Alpascio is but this sounds like farinata which is popular in Torino. I'll see if I can google up a recipe.



        • #5
          Re: Ceci (chick-pea) pizza; recipe for?

          This is comes up as 'Ligurian farinata'. I have never been there but since it is a bit south of Torino which is in Piedmont there will undoubtedly be an overlap. It is variously described as a pancake, a thin flatbread and a type of pizza. There are a number of recipes to choose from but this one seems to be authentic and sounds like the snack I have eaten.

          Ligurian Farinata (Savory Italian Pancake or Flatbread) Recipe | Recipezaar



          • #6
            Re: Ceci (chick-pea) pizza; recipe for?

            Thanks for your inputs. I found the same recipe for Farinata posted as well using the information supplied by Luis. I also found another slightly different recipe at
            It sounds like it might be interesting to try.
            Fred Di Napoli


            • #7
              Re: Ceci (chick-pea) pizza; recipe for?

              Ok, the translation is done, then.
              Do not forguet to try the Faina or Farinata (I did not ear this name before) on the top of a muzzarella slice.
              Try and let me know.

              Last edited by arevalo53anos; 01-05-2008, 11:12 AM. Reason: Typo

