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WFO's in Sydney/Newcastle...

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  • WFO's in Sydney/Newcastle...

    Hi all,
    Looks like we will be skipping across the pond for a few weeks in November and spending some time in the Sydney and Newcastle areas.
    Any special restaurants or sights to see that you would recommend? What's the best way to get around? Where to stay, etc.
    Your chance to sell Australia to a Canuck....


  • #2
    Re: WFO's in Sydney/Newcastle...

    Hi Rick,
    Sydney is a great holiday location but not my choice of city to live in. Plenty to see and do especially in our summer season. Newcastle is around 100 miles north and is/was one of Australia's steel making centres.
    You need to go further west into the centre, although only for the experienced as daytime temps can get to well over 40˚C plus.
    No matter where you go and what you do, you will obviously enjoy it.
    I will leave the finer details for the other locals from that area.


    Prevention is better than cure, - do it right the first time!

    The more I learn, the more I realise how little I know

    Neill’s Pompeiii #1
    Neill’s kitchen underway


    • #3
      Re: WFO's in Sydney/Newcastle...

      I'd love to invite you over, but my oven won't be built in time ! With my wife being a canuck (Calgarian) and most of her family there and Edmonton, any Albertan is welcome in our house (except rednecks - so that leaves a few out )

      The public transport here is shyte ... Melbourne is way better. As for things to do, what are you into? Are you coming here for a purpose, such as a wedding?

      Taronga Zoo is great plus the harbour...many cruises you can do...if you're into beaches, we have plenty of them.

      Newcastle doesn't have much to see or do really.


      • #4
        Re: WFO's in Sydney/Newcastle...

        Thanks Neill and Ross,

        I think a trip to the west is in the cards.... have to poke around a bit.

        Ross, we live just outside Calgary in Cochrane, I built my WFO last year ut am still working on it. It has been a blast so far, great pizzas but the turkeys, roasts, etc. are fantastic. I love pizza but can only eat so much. The WFO has become a center piece of interest for all the neighborhood.

        I grew up and went to school in Edmonton, so I probably kicked some of the same ground as your wife at one time or another. Not sure how much time we will have, we are on business, sort of. My wife plays keyboard and was asked to play back up for 4 singers... pretty cool for us, they cover her costs and I just hang around but I believe they will have a fairly full schedule.
        Plan to tour the harbour, the zoo sounds interesting as well.


        • #5
          Re: WFO's in Sydney/Newcastle...


          As RossAus suggested, Newcastle is not exactly a tourist destination but the advantage of that is that there are not the crowds in this area that you will get in Sydney.

          If you are into water activities or just want to hang out at the beach, the Newcastle area has plenty of nice beaches and a huge salt water lake that will be at their best in November and will not be crowded like Sydney. The other things to do in the Newcastle area is to visit the Hunter Valley vineyards which are about 45min west of Newcastle. This is the major vine growing area in NSW with plenty of cellar doors to taste at and other tourist things to see do if that is your thing.

          Another place worth visiting in the area is Port Stephens which is about 45min north of Newcastle. The port is home to a large dolphin population and lots of companies run boat cruises around the port where you will see plenty of dolphins surfing the boat bow wave. You can even hang in the water on a net that they hang off the side of the boat and almost reach out and touch the dolphins.

          The public transport in Newcastle is even worse than Sydney and you need a car to get about although there is a reasonable train service between Newcastle & Sydney.

          Taronga zoo really is great because it is on a hill overlooking Sydney & the harbour and the zoo is one of the best in the world. The other place to see is the Blue Mountains which are west of Sydney.


          Deficio est nusquam tamen vicis ut satus iterum
          (Failure is nothing but the opportunity to start again)


          • #6
            Re: WFO's in Sydney/Newcastle...

            Almost forgot the most important question... I prefer Keiths here in Canada, Pacifico when I am in Mexico, but what are some of the better Australian beers?
            It is a pretty important question as I only have 3 weeks or so and don't want to waste my time with some ratty cross between kangaroo urine and ginger ale....


            • #7
              Re: WFO's in Sydney/Newcastle...

              Don't drink VB, SB, MB or Emu Bitter or Fosters (it's not the same Fosters as sold internationally).

              I don't know those beers so not sure what style they are. Coopers, Blue Tongue, James Squires, Boags, etc are ones that I like, but I don't get to drink often. In summer, I actually like Corona as it is light and easy to drink.

              Microbreweries are really taking off and distributing axross the nation, so there is always a new beer to try.


              • #8
                Re: WFO's in Sydney/Newcastle...

                Mate try the ferry ride from the city to either Taronga Zoo or Manly its a great way to see the harbor city..

                Also Bondi Icebergs is one of the best places i the city to have lunch, pretty expensive but well worth it.

                The Newport Arms on Sunday afternoon is a must for lunch in Spring looking over pitwater or a ferry ride to the basin for a picnic lunch and swim?

                Plenty of things to do in Australia's best city!!

